Middle Georgia Trendsetters
The Value of Good Deeds
“Middle Georgia Trendsetters,” live by a motto!
The motto is called, “The Triple Ace!”. Which is; A person, Anyone, Anywhere
who base their life by making sure their good outweigh, their bad! If majority
of people lived by the triple Ace, motto. Life as we see it, would be way
better, as a whole. To all across the states who eventually consider themselves
a middle Georgia Trendsetters at heart, will live each day of their life,
making sure their good outweigh the bad they’ve done throughout their life, no
matter what! We set trends because we’re different in how we live, how we care
for people, and also how we want better for our communities.
Middle Georgia Trendsetters
The Value of Good Deeds
“Middle Georgia Trendsetters,” live by a motto!
The motto is called, “The Triple Ace!”. Which is; A person, Anyone, Anywhere
who base their life by making sure their good outweigh, their bad! If majority
of people lived by the triple Ace, motto. Life as we see it, would be way
better, as a whole. To all across the states who eventually consider themselves
a middle Georgia Trendsetters at heart, will live each day of their life,
making sure their good outweigh the bad they’ve done throughout their life, no
matter what! We set trends because we’re different in how we live, how we care
for people, and also how we want better for our communities.